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Open Space and Rec Committee

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

Agenda: Wed July 31 7-9 pm Welcome Motion to Approve Minutes Old Business Bailey’s Hill/Fort Ruckman-Phase 3 Lodge Park: Panels & Visitor Safety Flash Rd Park Master Plan New Business Next Meeting

CANCELED -Nahant Cultural Council Meeting –

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

Nahant Town Hall - Conference Rm. 2 1. Approve prior minutes 2. Discuss criteria and process for evaluating grants 3. Hand out panel books and review 4. Appoint Treasurer  

Golf Committee Monthly Meeting

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

AGENDA: September 18, 2023 Committee Meeting Approval of previous meetings minutes – Old business: Discussion tree removal/pruning Ocean view parking Netting on 7th tee box Evaluation form NGRID tree work Jr. program - results New business: CPA funding Update Contract execution Net along 7th tee Rain water in kitchen Expansion of fencing protecting the 7th […]

Board of Selectmen Executive Session Meeting

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

Town of Nahant Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda Wednesday April 26, 2023 at 4:15pm Eugene Canty, Chairman Joshua A. Antrim, Vice Chairman Mark P. Cullinan, Recording Secretary Antonio Barletta, Town Administrator   Meeting Opening 4:15pm. Adjourn to Executive Session (a.)  In accordance with MGL chapter 30A, section 21(a)(3) to discuss strategy as to impending litigation […]


Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

Call to order Test the New Image Cast -2 Voting Tabulator Print results and record tapes Adjourn

Planning Board Meeting of March 14 Postponed to March 15

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

To review those components of the Citizens’ Petition seeking to adopt by-laws to address Short Term Rental Dwelling Units. The hearing will address zoning rights and zoning restraints with respect to short-term housing units but will not address those aspects of the petition that address any other matters.

Planning Board Hearing -POSTPONED due to Weather to March 15, 2023 @ 7:00pm

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

To review those components of the Citizens’ Petition seeking to adopt by-laws to address Short Term Rental Dwelling Units. The hearing will address zoning rights and zoning restraints with respect to short-term housing units but will not address those aspects of the petition that address any other matters.

Planning Board Hearing

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

To review the proposed amendments to the Zoning ByLaws submitted by the Short-Term Rental By-Law Advisory Committee with respect to defining short-term rentals, permitting such rentals for certain owner-occupied properties, while requiring nonowner-occupied properties to obtain a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals, and amending the Table of Uses accordingly, as well as […]

Housing Plan Production (HPP) Sub-committee Community Engagement Meeting

Town Hall - Conference Rm 2. 334 Nahant Road, Nahant

Nahanters invited to learn about the Town’s housing needs and weigh in The Town of Nahant, the Nahant HPP Advisory Committee, and MAPC are inviting Nahant residents to attend a public forum at Town Hall on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 7:00  – 9:00 p.m. Participants will learn about data that describes the Town’s demographics, […]

*To view the Early Voting Schedule for the upcoming election on November 05, 2024* click here