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Town of Nahant Reminds Residents of Jan. 16 Deadline for Community Preservation Act Grant Applications

NAHANT – The Community Preservation Committee reminds residents that the deadline for submitting applications for grants is Tuesday, Jan. 16.

The Community Preservation Act allows the Town of Nahant to invest in projects related open space, historic preservation, affordable housing, and recreation.

The state provides matching dollars to those that are raised locally and as of November 2022, the Town of Nahant received a 100 percent match of its net CPA surcharge from the state CPA fund.

The Town of Nahant adopted the Community Preservation Act in 2004 and inclusive of matches provided by applicants, and exclusive of borrowings and through FY24, the CPA will have provided the Town with $13,778,481 to use for CPA projects.

To view the Nahant Community Preservation Committee Report of 2023 detailing all previously approved projects, click here.

The Community Preservation Committee requires that all proposed projects be eligible for CPA funding according to the state’s CPA statute.

Interested residents may apply here.

The Committee assesses applications based on the following questions:

  • How will the proposed project contribute to the preservation of Nahant’s unique character and enhance Nahanters’ quality of life?
  • Is the proposed project consistent with town planning documents that have received wide input and scrutiny?
  • What is the feasibility of the proposed project?
  • How “time-sensitive” is the project? Is it urgent?
  • Is the cost of this project proportionate to its objectives?
  • In general, will the project serve multiple needs?
  • Specifically, will the project serve more than one CPA category (i.e. affordable housing, open space, historic preservation or recreation)?
  • Does the project have demonstrated community support?
  • Will the project preserve currently owned town assets?
  • Will the project involve the acquisition and/or protection of threatened resources?
  • Will the project involve multiple sources of funding, or will it leverage other public and/or private funding sources or in-kind services?
  • If multiple sources of funding are involved, are commitments from other sources documented?
  • Will this project stimulate other public/private projects in Nahant?

Town Meeting must approve all Community Preservation Committee funding recommendations.

For more information, visit the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act website.