Special Town Meeting
This page has been dedicated for Special Town Meetings held in Town. Here you will be able to find information on past and upcoming Special Town Meetings including Warrants, Articles, and any other important relative information.
Tuesday September 12, 2023 7:00pm a the Nahant Town Hall
This meeting will be held fully in person and will be broadcasted on local channels (Comcast channel 8 Verizon Channel 45)
Residents must be registered to vote with the Town Clerk by September 1, 2023 in order to vote at this meeting and all voters must be present at the meeting to vote. No absentee ballots.
There will be only one Article on the Warrant see below:
Article 1 (Coast Guard Housing Demolition and Sale-Borrowing Authorization) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds or borrow, a sum of money to pay all costs of preparation and disposition of the property on Castle Road and Goddard Drive (known as the Coast Guard Housing)(Assessors Map 12D-0-41 and being premises being described in a deed recorded in the Essex County Registry of Deeds Book 24011, page 401), including the payment of costs related or incidental thereto, or take any other relative action relative thereto.
All Warrant books will be mailed to residents homes by September 5, 2023. To view the electronic version see below: