Event/Activity Registration Request Form
Use of publicly held park, open space, Town-owned land, and facilities are permitted as authorized by the Sept. 17, 2015 Nahant Board of Selectmen vote and administered by the Town Administrator, under M.G.L Chapter 40 Section 3.
Before announcing or publicizing your event you must first submit an event request form for approval and have it signed off by the Town Administrator, Board of Selectmen, Fire Chief, Police Chief and DPW. Certain Fees may apply and Insurance is required.
Signage for your event is only permitted at the bulletin board at the entrance of town. Please do not hang, post or stake signage in the ground or on any other public property.
Once the Event Request form is submitted you will be contacted about your event.
If you have any questions please call Kristin Taylor at (781) 581-9927 or email ktaylor@nahant.org.