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Conservation Commission

The Nahant Conservation Commission was established to protect the town’s natural resources in a regulatory and advisory manner. We are also responsible for administering the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act, advisor to the Nahant Floodplains Zoning Bylaw, environmental planning, accepting gifts of land and money, acquiring grant money for acquisition of open space and advising other boards on environmental concerns.

What does the commission do?

The Nahant Conservation Commission was established to protect the town’s natural resources in a regulatory and advisory manner. We are also responsible for administering the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act and the Nahant Wetlands Protection Bylaw, serves as advisor to the Nahant Floodplains Zoning Bylaw, environmental planning, accepting gifts of land and money, acquiring grant money for acquisition of open space and advising other boards on environmental concerns.

Since the enactment of the Nahant Wetlands Protection Bylaw in September of 2018, the Commission has continued to work with Applicants to put together projects which are permittable under both state and local laws. The Commission has had a busy year permitting both town and resident projects along with the beginning of the Northeastern University project permitting process. As of the date of this writing (March), the Commission has collected $6,916 in fees for the year, more than nine times the Commission’s annual budget. Filing fees collected by the Commission are currently deposited into the General Fund.

As a reminder to property owners, any construction in the floodplain, Coastal Bank, Coastal Beach, or buffer zone must receive a permit from the Conservation Commission prior to commencement of work. A permit must be obtained to ensure the project complies with the requirements of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Nahant Wetlands Protection Bylaw, and to ensure it is designed to withstand coastal storms and flooding. Questions regarding wetlands protection in Nahant may be directed to or the Inspectional Services office.

If you have questions regarding the Conservation Commission, please contact the Inspectional Services Office or email the Commission at

Nahant Conservation Commission – 2024 Schedule

The Conservation Commission will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM via Zoom, unless otherwise specified. For ZOOM information visit the Community Calendar on the date specified. * Filings must be received by 12:00 PM on the filing deadline*

Nahant Conservation Commission – 2025 Schedule

Nahant Wetlands Bylaw Regulations and Protection Bylaw

The purpose of the Wetlands Protection by-law is to protect the wetlands, water resources and adjoining land areas in Nahant by controlling activities deemed by the Conservation Commission likely to have a significant or cumulative effect upon resource area values, including but not limited to the following: public or private water supply, groundwater, flood control, erosion and sedimentation control, storm damage prevention including coastal storm flowage, water quality, water pollution control, fisheries, shellfish, land containing shellfish, wildlife habitat, rare species habitat including rare plant species, agriculture, aquaculture, recreation, and aesthetic values deemed important to the community (collectively, the “resource area values protected by this by-law”). This by-law is intended to utilize the Home Rule authority of this municipality to protect additional resource area, for additional values, with additional standards and procedures stricter than those of the Wetland Protection Act (G.L. ch. 131, s.40) and Regulations thereunder (310 CMR 10.00).

To read and learn more about the Nahant Wetlands Bylaw Regulations and Protection Bylaw click on the documents below: