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Real Estate Property

Nahant Property Real Estate Assessment Data

Fiscal Year 2020 – Tax Rate = $10.97 per $1,000

The Department of Revenue/Bureau of Local Assessment has approved Nahant’s real and personal property assessments for fiscal year 2020.

The assessments associated with the type of classification are shown on the DOR’s LA-4 Form. The town’s taxable assessed real and personal property totals $968,184,190. However, the Total assessment for Nahant including the exempt properties has reached the billion dollar mark at $1,046,770,190 for fiscal year 2020.

The average single family home is now $701,200 with an average tax bill of $7,692.16 plus the (3%) Community Preservation Act Surcharge Tax.

THE TAX RATE WAS APPROVED ON OCTOBER 22nd at $10.97per thousand OF ASSESSED VALUE. The tax bills were mailed on November 1st. The fiscal year 2020 town levy is AT $10,630,472. The increase includes Prop 2 ½% increase, new growth, override, and FY2020 water/sewer debt shift. The Levy Limit sheet is included for your convenience.

Abatement and Exemption Forms are located in the hallway outside of the Assessors door at the Town Hall. You can also download the forms from the Department of Revenue’s website.

You may call (781) 581-0212 or email Sheila Hambleton with any questions.

The public may access a property record card for information pertaining to assessment, zoning, flood code by FEMA and other mapping needs on the Town ‘s website at, or at the Assessors office in the Town Hall during regular hours.

How to Access Your Information

  1. New Nahant Tax-GIS Maps and Property Data
    Uncertified tax maps are available for each assessed parcel in a GIS (geographical information system) format. Cartographics Associates Inc. provides our mapping services. Check out our updated Nahant GIS Website*.
    You may try using the various buttons to see how it will work while waiting for the property data to be linked to the maps. Please be patient as the master map takes a few seconds to load.
  2. Property Records On the Web
    To enhance the public’s search for information regarding particular properties, data is available online. You may access any Nahant property record card online by clicking here via the Patriot Properties Website.
Nomination Papers for Nahant Town Election are now available in the Town Clerk's Office - Papers due back to the Town Clerk by March 7, 2025- For more information click here