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Advisory and Finance Committee

Documents for the Advisory and Finance Committee Meeting March 2, 2023, See below

2024 School Budget


Aerial drone shot over Little Nahant in the seaside community of Nahant, MA.

The Advisory and Finance Committee’s prime responsibility is to make recommendations regarding financial matters, including the budget, in prep for Annual Town Meeting.  The Advisory and Finance Committee issues advisories and recommendations on municipal and financial matters on behalf of the taxpayers. 

In Nahant, members of the Advisory and Finance Committee are appointed by the Town Moderator*. Months before the Annual Town Meeting, the Advisory and Finance Committee meets with the Town Administrator and individual department personnel to assess the sources and uses of funds required to manage the town on behalf of its residents. 

The committee also prepares the Report and Recommendations of the Advisory and Finance Committee.  The Committee, in its advisory role, makes a recommendation of support or opposition on almost every article which is to appear before Town Meeting. The rationale for each recommendation is included in order to provide voters with additional information to assist them in making their individual voting decisions. 

The Advisory and Finance Committee’s report is distributed to all residences at least 7 days prior to the Annual Town Meeting, which is held the last Saturday in April.

Enacting Language

CHARTER & BYLAWS: Nine Members; 3-Year Terms
(a) Composition, term of office: There shall be an Advisory and Finance Committee consisting of nine (9) members, appointed by the Moderator for three (3)-year overlapping terms, so that the terms of office of three members expire each year. No
elected or appointed Town officer or any Town employee, except members of the Personnel Board, shall be eligible for membership on said committee.

(b) Powers and duties: The Advisory and Finance Committee shall inform themselves concerning those affairs and interests of the Town, the subject matter of which generally is included in the warrants of its Town Meetings, may consider any and
all municipal questions affecting Town government and the conduct of Town affairs, for the purpose of making reports and recommendations thereon to the Town. It shall also have all of the powers and duties given to advisory and finance committees by general laws and such other powers and duties that may be provided by this charter, by by-law or by Town Meeting vote.