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Historical Commission


The Mission of the Nahant Historical Commission focuses on the protection of Nahant’s cultural resources through advocacy, preservation and education. In addition to actively participating in the preservation of several local landmarks, the Commission supports the efforts of affiliated groups involved with historic preservation and open space activities.

Nahant Community Center in the Valley Road School:

The Nahant Historical Commission has the care and custody of the former Valley Road School, now the Nahant Community Center, and leases it to the Nahant Preservation Trust.  This building was renovated by the Trust in 2000-02 for a cost of over $1.3 m, with funds raised from private sources. Over 60% of the building is occupied by non-profits organizations.  Three rooms on the first-floor house the Nahant Historical Society with the fourth occupied by the Council on Aging.  The Historical Society is open on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, offering its award-winning exhibit, “Nahant on the Rocks,” along with access to its research facilities in the Hodges Resource Room.  On the second floor, the Historical Society has an exhibit gallery shared with Gallery 41, and a collection cataloguing space in the northeast room with a dedicated exhibition space in the southwest room. The former assembly hall, now known as the Serenity Room, is available for meetings, programs and events.  Yoga classes are also offered in this beautiful room.  The remaining second floor rooms are leased to tenants for offices to four tenants.  On the basement level, the Sears Family Room is for use by community groups, young people, and birthday parties and celebrations.  The other two rooms on this level are leased as office space. 

The tenant generated rental income covers the operating costs of the building and contributes to major improvements such as exterior and interior painting, wood floor refinishing, elevator, HVAC, sprinkler system maintenance and repairs.

The Nahant Preservation Trust has an active Management Committee and is fortunate to be assisted by Andy Puleo, facilities coordinator, taking care of the “nuts and bolts.” The Commission is mindful of the Trust’s observance of the conditions of the Special Permit of 2001, which includes payment of $5,000 annually in lieu of taxes to the Town according to the terms of the lease with the Commission.

Recent major improvements include complete renovation of the Sears Family Room and adjoining foyer generously supported by a private donation. In addition, the NPT replaced one of the original Carrier HVAC rooftop units, and is planning to another; this will complete the replacement of the three roof top units. Vulnerable to weather and having reached the end of their service life, this is part of the NPT’s ongoing care and maintenance of the Community Center.

Life-Saving Station:

The Commission strongly endorses the concept that the Station property is an asset to the Town and the “gateway” to Nahant, symbolizing our maritime and civic heritage.  The Commission has been supportive of the Lifesaving Station Committee in the effort to develop a suitable reuse plan for the complex, which is now leased to the Nahant Preservation Trust.  The Town Meeting support of over $600,000 in Community Preservation Act funds matched by the Trust has resulted in in the restoration and rehabilitation of the Station, and the Garage, which now includes restroom facilities for Short Beach, and the landscape, including the parking lot. 

Recent major improvements include painting the exterior of the Station. Structural repairs to west sill of the Boat Room were accomplished along with replacement of the tile floor of the passage between the Boat Room and the kitchen with slate.

The Mortimer Robbins American Legion occupies first floor space, and an office tenant is on the second floor of the Station. The former Boat room and grounds are rented for events based on a strict functions policy developed in conjunction with the community.

The Commission has a role in the rehabilitation through the preservation restriction which exists to ensure standards of protection and preservation.  The Station property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2012.

Historic Districts

The Commission is exploring the establishment of historic districts as means of enhancing the appreciation of historic resources and protecting and preserving those resources. The focus on is on the recommendations put forth by the 1989 town-wide survey, which include a large district for the easterly end of Big Nahant.   

East Point Preservation Effort

The Commission has submitted two letters to Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs in response to the draft and final Environmental Impact reports submitted to Northeastern University for the Coastal Sustainability Institute to be located on top of the Murphy Banker at East Point. These letters raised concerns for the protection of the World War II era bunker, part of the coastal defenses, and the potential pre-contact Native American archaeological resources in the meadow to the northeast of the bunker, the proposed location of 80 geothermal wells. The Nahant Historical Commission’s letters were supported by letters from the Massachusetts Historical Commission raising similar concerns for the protection of historic and archaeological resources.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Spencer, Clerk

Mark Cullinan, Chairman

Tom Famulari

Mark Schepens

Calantha Sears

May Kay Taylor